As a young company, we’ve been called the scrappy little brother of larger, more entrenched legal tech companies.

But all of that changed in 2018.

In the past year, we have broken away from the pack of case management solutions. We have become an industry leader, recognized across the continent for our superior features and highest-caliber customer service.

We’re nobody’s kid sibling now—we’re the next generation.

Here’s a look back at Filevine’s new offerings and creative developments from the past year alone:


1. Expanded User Services

We believe customer care goes beyond answering questions. In addition to a consistent and thorough support team, we’re always looking for new benefits we can offer our users.

This year, we created the Filevine Referral Network, to instantly expand the referral reach of Filevine users. We also rolled out our Preferred Partner Network, to connect users with the brightest minds in technology, marketing, and legal consultation.

Our intuitive new Help Center makes it easier than ever to get immediate support for Filevine questions. And we even rolled out a new podcast, The Filevine Fireside, to bring our users a regular dose of insight from brilliant legal managers and innovative marketers.


2. Smoother Operations

Our goal is to create technology so intuitive and helpful that it feels like your cases move themselves forward. This year we reached that goal through a host of feature releases that automate each step of your practice.

Taskflow Triggers, released in June of this year, breaks down any stage of your work into simplified, automatic tasks, which can assign themselves  to the relevant team members and are 100% customizable.

Email Templates simplify client communication, automatically gleaning your case files for the relevant information and allowing you to send out standard messages with the click of a button.

Dynamic Auto-tasks ensure that your assigned tasks are rich with the relevant information, automatically pulling the needed contact information or desired context from case files to ensure your staff can get their work done without any extra steps or searches.


3. Advancing Analytics

When it comes to analytics, Filevine is going where no other case management system has gone before. We give you unprecedented access to your own data in compelling visual forms, to help you get a birds’ eye view of your practice and drill down to granular details.

In May of this year we announced the creation of Filevine Periscope and took advanced reporting to the next level. Periscope uses the data you generate each second in your everyday work and turns it into actionable insights about your team members’ productivity.

Audit Reports track the raw data of your team’s every move. Meanwhile, you can now create reports on calendar events to analyze deadlines for each person or across the entire firm.

And every report you run can be scheduled automatically to recur every week, month, or year, and show up directly in your email.


4. Wider Integrations

We aim to weave Filevine seamlessly into your workflow, and that means simple integrations with the other tools you use. In April of 2018, we announced a major integration with VineSign, which allows you to effortlessly obtain electronic signatures.

This year we also made it even easier to integrate your website’s embedded forms with Filevine, to eliminate duplicate entry and let you get to work immediately.

And we published all of our current API calls to maximize your control and autonomy with Filevine. We develop our tools from the ground up, designed for the greatest efficiency and usability for attorneys. That gives us full power over the flexibility of our systems — a power that we are eager to share with our users.


These are only the most influential of the many releases and developments we’ve achieved in 2018.

And we’re not slowing down.

We know that the attorneys who are drawn to Filevine are the ones who think big. You’re the ones who aim for the highest levels of legal performance. You create financial growth while improving the quality of life for your staff. You not only unceasingly serve your clients, but your entire community as well. You are changing the face of the legal industry for the better.

And that is why we at Filevine are so motivated to grow, improve, and serve alongside you.

Here’s to many more years of working together to make the legal profession more powerful, creative, and rewarding for attorneys and clients alike.