Document Management

Legal Document Management Software

Access your documents alongside your cases and tasks for better context, collaboration, and security with Docs by Filevine

Tired of losing track of documents and struggling to collaborate with your team? Filevine's cloud-based legal document management software simplifies your workflow, enhances collaboration, and ensures your data is secure. Access your files from anywhere, streamline document review, and work together seamlessly.

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Unlimited Search, Collaboration, & Storage

Docs by Filevine offers unlimited storage, powerful search capabilities, and easy version control so that you can find, edit and collaborate on all your documents without ever leaving the platform.

Explore Docs by Filevine

Store, Access, and Search Legal Documents with Docs by Filevine

Document storage

Limitless Document Warehouse

Docs+ customers get unlimited storage. No additional fees or per-user storage limits: Never worry about storage limits again. Handle high-volume cases with ease, knowing Filevine has you covered.

OCR with Filevine

Find Anything With OCR

Stop wasting time searching through PDFs and JPGs to find specific words or phrases. Filevine's OCR makes every word instantly searchable, making it easy to locate the specific files you need.

Security matters with Filevine

Best-In-Class Data Security

Poor information security practices can leave your legal team vulnerable. With Filevine, your files are secure in our SOC 2 Type II, HIPAA compliant, ISO 27001/2 certified environment.

AI Doc Review

AI for Legal Documents

Get the Insights You Need, Faster

Save countless hours on manual document review with Filevine's DocReviewAI. Extract key information, get concise summaries, and uncover valuable insights with accuracy and efficiency. Discover how AI can transform your legal practice

Explore AI Doc Review

Creating and editing legal documents has never been easier

Say goodbye to manual document creation. Filevine's Document Generation automatically creates intuitive files using data from your case, saving you time and effort with the click of a button.

Eliminate repetitive work and reduce errors with DocGen templates. Automatically fill in client and case data to enhance your document creation process. DocGen templates leverage easy-to-use codes that fill in available data automatically.

Edit, annotate, and redact documents with ease. Filevine's intuitive tools simplify working with text files and PDFs, giving you complete control over your documents.

Additionally, the Docs+ in-line editing tool enables users to redact, annotate, and apply text changes to a PDF.

Filevine, built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), offers unique advantages. Gain real-time data access and integration through the Intraday Data Feed, enjoy unlimited storage for all your files, and benefit from automatic software updates for the latest features and security patches.

Explore the Cloud Advantage 

See Your Document Before You Open It

Team Management

Preview Any File Instantly, Right Within Filevine

Don't waste time downloading files to see if they're the right ones. With Docs by Filevine, you can preview documents, images, audio recordings, and even videos directly within the platform. Save your law firm valuable time and ensure you're always working with the correct version.

Explore Filevine's Document Preview Features
Shareable Links

One-Click Document Delivery for Law Firms

When your team needs to send confidential documents, create a secure share link with password protection. This ensures your client's information is protected while streamlining collaboration.

Explore Secure Document Collaboration
Reduce Overlap

Lock & Protect: Safeguard Your Documents from Accidental Overwrites

Collaborate with confidence! Filevine's document locking feature prevents simultaneous editing conflicts, ensuring that everyone's hard work is preserved. Plus, our unlimited version history lets you easily revert to previous versions, so you'll never lose track of important edits.

Learn How Filevine Safeguards Your Work

Frequently Asked Questions

A legal document management system (DMS) is a secure, cloud-based platform designed specifically for law firms and legal teams. It's your digital filing cabinet, but far more powerful. A DMS goes beyond basic file storage and organization, offering features that help attorneys efficiently find and securely share their legal documents.

By providing supervised access, information is kept confidential and private, making it irreplaceable for firms who need to keep their data safe and secure.

Additionally, cloud services allow documents to be stored remotely, so attorneys can access their files wherever they are — a must-have feature in the modern world.

Imagine this: While waiting for a hearing in a courtroom, you're running out of time to analyze discovery material for another important case. With a legal DMS, you can pull up documents on your tablet, search for specific keywords, and cross-reference it with other case materials – all without leaving the courtroom. Or, picture yourself working from home, needing to collaborate on a draft contract with a colleague. A DMS allows for seamless document sharing, version tracking, and secure communication, ensuring everyone is on the same page, regardless of location.

By centralizing all your firm's documents and automating tedious tasks, a legal DMS empowers you to be more efficient, productive, and focused on your clients, whether you're in the office, in court, or on the go.

A common mistake is assuming that all case management software or document storage solutions are created equal. This can lead to choosing a platform that doesn't fully meet your firm's specific needs. Different types of law firms have unique document management requirements:

  • Solo Practitioners: Might prioritize simplicity and affordability over advanced features.

  • Small Firms: May need a solution that's scalable and can grow with their practice.

  • Large Firms: Often require robust security, complex workflows, and integration with other enterprise tools.

  • Specific Practice Areas: Some firms need features tailored to their niche, like medical record integration for personal injury lawyers or immigration form automation for immigration attorneys.

Failing to research and consider these factors can lead to frustration, wasted time, and potential security risks. It's crucial to choose a document management solution specifically designed for your firm's unique needs and practice areas.

A legal DMS, like Filevine, is a lawyer's best friend when it comes to managing deadlines. Here's how:

  • Centralized Calendar & Task Management: Filevine keeps all your deadlines in one place, integrated with your documents and case files. You can set automatic reminders for court dates, filing deadlines, client meetings, and more.

  • Deadline Chains: Filevine lets you create interconnected deadlines, so when one task is completed, the next one is automatically triggered. This ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

  • Real-Time Updates: Get instant notifications when deadlines are approaching or tasks are completed. This keeps you in the loop and allows for proactive adjustments if needed.

  • Collaboration: Share your calendar with colleagues and assign tasks to ensure everyone knows who's responsible for what, when.

With Filevine, you can rest assured that you'll never miss another crucial deadline. It's a simple, yet powerful way to improve your firm's efficiency and client service.

Legal document management software like Filevine empowers your team to work together seamlessly, whether you're in the same office or across continents. By centralizing all your case-related information, Filevine becomes your single source of truth, eliminating confusion and version control issues.
Here are some key ways a DMS enhances collaboration:

  • Real-Time Editing: Multiple team members can work on the same document simultaneously, seeing each other's changes in real time. This eliminates the need to send files back and forth and reduces the risk of conflicting edits.

  • Version Control: Filevine keeps track of every change, so you can always revert to a previous version if needed. You can also see who made each edit, ensuring accountability and transparency.

  • Communication Tools: Discuss cases and share updates directly within the platform. Tag colleagues in comments, ask questions, and assign tasks to ensure everyone stays on the same page.

  • Secure File Sharing: Share large files securely with colleagues, clients, or external parties, with granular control over access permissions.

  • Mobile Access: Your team can access documents and collaborate from anywhere, on any device, making remote work a breeze.

By breaking down communication barriers and streamlining workflows, Filevine empowers your team to work together more efficiently, deliver exceptional client service, and achieve better outcomes.

Want to see Filevine in action?

Find out how we can help you from our team of legal work fanatics.
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