
Tasking and Notifications

March 31, 2015

A Single Feed for New Activities and Tasks

Filevine's activity feed shows you all of the recent notes, task assignments, and comments going on in a project. When you log into Filevine, you'll see a feed of all the recent updates on your projects and a list of tasks that are due for the day.

Tasking Made Easy

Filevine's tasking interface is instantly-familiar and delightfully simple. Assign tasks to yourself, adjust deadlines, and collaborate with a coworker in seconds. Project filters also allow you to search for specific items in the project's activity feed for additional context.

Get Instant Notifications for New and Upcoming Tasks

Never miss another action item again with instant notifications. you can configure your notification settings to alert you via text, email, or slack. You can also receive a digest of recent assignments and activity so your notifications don't interrupt your workflow.

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