
Custom Contact Builder

August 31, 2020

Your Book of Business Starts with Relationships

Whether you've just started scaling your practice, or are streamlining an enterprise-level operation, each contact and client matters. Filevine makes it easy to organize your contacts and ensure contact management doesn't get out of hand.

Build a Number of Custom Contact Types

Much-needed consistency with unparalleled flexibility.

Filevine's custom contact builder allows you to segment your contacts into groups, and gather the important information relevant to that relationship. Whether you need custom contact information, signed retainer agreements, or marketing authorizations, custom contacts provides you the flexibility to manage each contact scenario.

Manage Your Address Book of Contacts

A single space for accessing, organizing, and editing all contacts in Filevine

Managing contacts can become unruly between duplicate records and growing case-file relationships. The Filevine address book provides a single place to manage all of your contacts. Quickly search, edit, or organize your contacts to access contact information, see related cases, or reach out to clients.

See all that Filevine can do with a customized demonstration from our team

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