Settlement Calculator

December 31, 2023

Settlement Calculator

Managing and calculating settlement details across various cases can be an arduous task. Filevine's new Customized Settlements tab provides a powerful solution to simplify and customize settlement worksheets.

More Customization and Connectivity

  1. Pull case details from any collection section, not just Medical Bills and Expenses
  2. Incorporate data from all supported field types across your Filevine project
  3. Live calculation based on a customizable .vine template
  4. Edit and annotate settlement worksheet within Filevine

This additional connectivity allows the settlement calculator to automatically pull in the most relevant up-to-date details from across a case into a single worksheet.

Intuitive Editing and Annotation

Once the settlement worksheet is generated, authorized users can directly edit and annotate the document within Filevine. This intuitive editing allows users to:

  1. Tweak settlement details as needed
  2. Add comments for clarity or questions
  3. Use familiar Filevine editing tools for efficient changes

How To Use Settlement Calculator

The new Customized Settlements Tab allows you to generate a proprietary .vine document from your template. Then, very quickly and easily, the user plugs in the appropriate values from collection items, and views the projected total disbursement and settlement summary. Now that the Settlement Sheet is generated, teams can collaborate by adding comments and polish the formatting to provide a clean, professional settlement document to your clients.

The Customized Settlements tab transforms settlement management from an external process to an integrated part of your workflow. Contact us today to learn more or request a demo.

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