

March 31, 2015

Get an Overview of Upcoming Deadlines

Never miss an important deadline. With Filevine's deadline chains, you can automatically calendar due dates, SOL dates, and more so that you know what's ahead. Case-level calendars help you see what's happening in each matter.

Manage Your Appointments Across the Office

Get a high-level of everything that's going on in Filevine's office-wide calendar. From deadlines to appointments, all case-level calendar events can be seen from the office-wide calendar. Adjust the settings to day, week, or month views, and filter down to specific users to know what's happening in your firm.

Dig Into Event Data with Calendar Reports

Filevine's calendar reports help you to drill down and build actionable lists for running your office. Schedule an emailed report to show you what's scheduled for you and your team each morning, or create a list to follow up on past events.

Check out the support link on calendars.

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