
Automated Lead Emails & Texts

April 30, 2020

Convert More Leads Through Automated Messaging

Timeliness, consistency, and follow-up are key to a successful intake strategy. Develop the consistency you need with automated email and text messaging. Don't leave money on the table by letting another lead slip through the cracks.

Walk Your Leads Through the Inbound Funnel

Filevine's intake tools help you to easily customize your intake process. With personalized, automated messaging you can quickly connect with clients and step them through the intake process.

Personalize Your Messages through Automatic Texting

Instantly builds a deeper connection with your clients through texting. The Filevine intake platform sends and receives automated texts all the way through client signup beyond. With a dedicated texting number for each new case-file, you can ensure that clients can reach you and your team can respond while maintaining everything in the clients' case file.

Never Miss a Response Opportunity

Once a lead expresses interest, timely follow-up is essential. Our SMS Pending Response List Report ensures no text from a potential client goes unanswered.  

View pending messages directly from the dashboard, easily reply, and customize the report to focus on your most urgent leads.

See all that Filevine can do with a customized demonstration from our team

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