Do you use or are you considering using for virtual receptionist services? With Filevine™, an integration with virtual receptionist services is simple to set up and easy to utilize.

How to use with Filevine

There are a number of ways to leverage and Filevine for even more efficient operations at your law practice, but there are three primary integrations that we’ll focus on here, which involve lead capture, new client intake, and appointment booking.

1. Lead capture: Use receptionists to call back new leads

Filevine allows you to create custom integrated web forms and embed them on your website. You can use these forms to collect any information, so they’re excellent to capture new leads or to intake new clients.

Integrated web forms are a new Filevine feature, so you’ll need to first contact Filevine support to enable the form builder on your account. Once that’s done, just build your form and embed it on your website. For example, a new lead form can be placed on your “Contact Us” page.

When new leads come in, you’ll receive an email notification that a new web form submission has been made. You can auto-forward these emails to, and their receptionists will call these new leads back immediately, and qualify them based on your custom criteria. See #2 below, for what happens next.

2. New client intake: Have receptionists complete web intake forms

Once a receptionist has qualified the lead on the phone, whether it’s from a web form call-back or from an incoming call, they can proceed with client intake, if they meet your criteria. Just create another web form, this time for new client intake, and receptionists will complete it on the caller’s behalf. All they need is the link to the web form that you’ve embedded on your website.

3. Appointment booking: Let receptionists schedule meetings & call-backs on your calendar

Depending on your workflows for new leads and existing clients, you may wish for our receptionists to book appointments on your behalf. These could be new lead call-backs if a live transfer was not possible, existing client meetings, court dates, or other appointment types.

Filevine integrates with Google Calendar and Office 365. While receptionists are not able to use Filevine to directly add events to your calendar, there is a very easy and inexpensive workaround using Calendly. Simply link your Google Calendar or Office 365 account to Calendly (which is free for one event type and very inexpensive thereafter), and then provide your Calendly scheduling link to your receptionists. They will book events on Calendly, and those will appear in your Filevine calendar auto-magic-ally.

Get started with and Filevine

If you’re already a customer of and Filevine, just email to get started with these integrations.

If you use Filevine, but you’re not a customer, check out their 30-day/10-call free trial to see if their services could be a good fit for your practice. Just mention that you would like to integrate your receptionists with Filevine during onboarding.