

October 31, 2016

Filevine hashtags have always helped you index and organize your caseload. They’ve enabled you to track your highest value matters, your toughest adjusters, and your stiffest defenders.

Now, we’ve made a great thing even greater.

Introducing: Auto-hashtags

Running a law firm is a demanding job that requires your constant attention. Hashtags certainly help by letting you cut through the clutter to find exactly what you’re looking for—but they still require the manual process of adding those hashtags to the proper cases to begin with.

Not so with Auto-hashtags! Our new feature will automatically hashtag cases that meet specific criteria, as determined by you and your staff. This way, you can track what matters most to you, without the hassle of manually adding hashtags to every case.

What does that mean for you and your firm?

That’s up to you! Since Auto-hashtags are completely customizable—from the hashtags themselves to the criteria that must be met to apply them—there’s no way we could list every potential use case here.

But we certainly have some ideas...

You won’t wake up at night worrying about missed SOL’s
It’s every lawyer’s nightmare, and for some, a grim reality. But with Auto-Tasks, you can rest easy knowing you’re on top of your caseload. Need to double-check anyway? No problem—just type in #incomingsol to see any case with an SOL approaching soon.

It means you can easily see what cases are becoming too expensive
Sometimes we go into a case and are shocked to see a high meds total. Wasn’t the client sitting at $2350 last week? With Auto-hashtags, it’s easy to stay on top of case costs—just search for #medsover10k to see what cases are starting to become costly.

It means you don’t have to stress about keeping in touch with clients
What if you could type in #nocontact30days to instantly see a list of clients who hadn’t been called for a month or more? With Auto-hashtags, you can do exactly that. Your clients will feel cared for, and you’ll hardly have to try.

It means you can automate more and micro-manage less
You’re too busy and your work is too important to spare time worrying about the day-to-day monitoring tasks that help you stay on top of your practice. With Filevine Auto-hashtags, you won’t need to.

Legal technology has finally joined the future

Filevine is case management software with the soul of project management technology. By treating each case as a project that needs to get done (not just organized), cases move forward smoothly.

See all that Filevine can do with a customized demonstration from our team

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